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Known as Les - born 21 Feb 1889 in Dunedin. Occupation - shipping steward.
Harold Hislop Elliott (nicknamed Jum) was born on 15 July 1921, at Wellington.
The woman's name mentioned in this listing is an unusual one but the correct spelling, as is
The ‘Casualty’ was the elder brother, and only sibling, of my father John Mark Sanders McLeod.
My father, Edwin Fitzherbert George Burroses was nzmed after this man, who was his uncle.
Herbert was born in Dargaville on November 6th 1918, he was a fireman with the NZ Railways.
Rex was shot by a fellow soldier who was playing around and thought his rifle was not loaded.
Birthdate 24/04/1913. [Record since amended; BDM Online has 25/04/1913 - NZWGT]
A correction to the story above: Everard was descended from John and Bessie Brown who farmed at
<p>Today we remember Private William Charles Rowe who is listed on the Matakana War Memoria
I was wondering if you have any more information I got the following photo from someone.
John George - known as Jack - was registered John William George and was born on the 19th Decembe
First and foremost, many thanks for sending the phots of my Uncle's grave in Italy.