Robert John Fitzsimmons

Additional Information: 

Son of Robert John and Jessie Esther Ruby Fitzsimmons.

  • CWGC
  • New Zealand Nominal Rolls (WW2)
  • BDM Online

Biographical Notes:

“DRIVER ROBERT JOHN FITZSIMMONS. There passed away at the Kaikoura Hospital on Wednesday last a Kaikoura soldier, in the person of Driver R. J. Fitzsimmons, who was born near Kowhai 43 years ago. He followed the occupation of labourer, and had worked on many shearing stands around the district, and spent most of his life in Kaikoura until he left with the 1st Echelon. He was a prisoner of war for three years, and had a trying time in Greece before being captured. He was invalided home with the first draft, since when he had been in failing health. The deceased was held in high respect by all sections of the community, as was signified by the large attendance at his funeral on Friday afternoon. He was accorded a military funeral, and returned servicemen turned out in full force. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. A. H. Wheeldon. and the pall-bearers were Messrs W. Gregory, H Gilling, K. Lawson, R. G. Miles, E. Mackle and R. Hamilton, all returned servicemen and old mates of the deceased. The chief mourners were the deceased three sisters —Mesdames S. Wilson, J. Harris and F. Millner, all of Christchurch. Many beautiful floral tributes were forwarded. At the conclusion of the service Mr C. A Jensen read the verse from Lawrence Binyon: “They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary, nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.” Bugler H. Austin sounded “The Last Post,” and the members of the R.S.A. filed past the graveside, each depositing a poppy on the casket. Deceased was the eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs R. Fitzsimmons, and he is survived by one brother, Cyril, in the North Island, and three sisters, to whom heartfelt sympathy will be extended in their sad bereavement.” [Kaikoura Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 5, 21 January 1946, Page 3]

Public Contributions:

There are no public contributions written for this casualty

Personal Tributes:


Service Number: 
Robert John Fitzsimmons
Date of Birth:
28 March 1904
Place of Birth:
Kowhai, Canterbury, New Zealand
Date of Enlistment:
Not known
Locality on Enlistment: 
Mangamaunui, Kaikoura
Place of Enlistment: 
Kaikoura, New Zealand
Marital Status:
Occupation on Enlistment:
New Zealand Army Service Corps

Casualty Details

Cause of Death:
Not known
Date of Death:
16 January 1946
Day of Death:
Age at Death: 

Embarkation Details

Embarkation Body:
Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force (2NZEF), 1st Echelon
Embarkation Place:
Wellington, New Zealand
Embarkment Date:
05 January 1940

Text in italics supplied by Cenotaph Online, Auckland War Memorial Museum


Cemetery Reference: 
Cemetery Location: 
New Zealand
Robert John Fitzsimmons
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