David Handforth Hawkes

Additional Information: 

Son of George Augustus and Lillias Hawkes, of Takapuna, Auckland City.

  • CWGC

Biographical Notes:

“The Minister for Defence (Mr Jones) announced with regret that as the result "of a fall from a Vincent aircraft, a member of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, was killed at Ohakea at 10 a.m. yesterday”. The victim was:

Leading-Aircraftsman David Handforth Hawkes, aged 24, formerly of Whangarei.

The aircraft was engaged in bombing practice at a height of 3600 feet.

There is no information as yet as to the cause or circumstances of the accident, but an official committed of inquiry is to investigate.

Aircraftsman Hawkes was undergoing training as an observer. There were two other occupants of the aeroplane, who landed the machine safely.

The deceased was the son of Mr and Mrs G. A. Hawkes, of Onerahi. Before his entry into the Royal New Zealand Air Force he was on the staff of the Whangarei Harbour Board.

Educated at the Whangarei High School, he was well-known in cricket and football circles. Highly Popular Young Man.

“Dave,” as he was known to his associates, was a highly popular young man, both in Onerahi and Whangarei.

Of a quiet and studious disposition, he was yet an enthusiastic participant in all healthy sport. As wicket-keeper with the Onerahi eleven he took many hard knocks smilingly, and was never ruffled in temper no matter what the situation. Regarded as a young man of fine character, his progress as an employee of the Whangarei Harbour Board was assured.

Shortly after the outbreak of war he tried to join the Air Force as a pilot. Temporarily rejected owing to an eye weakness, he was called up a few months ago as an observer. When the news of the accident reached Whangarei, his father, Mr George Hawkes, was assisting the Medical Board examining military recruits at the Town Hall. The sad news was broken to him by the superintendent of the board. Being a returned soldier himself--he was seriously wounded in the last war—Mr Hawkes, although overcome, continued with great fortitude to carry out his duties with the board until it was completed a little over an hour later. Mother in Wellington. Mrs Hawkes is visiting her daughter Betty (Mrs John Pullman) at Wellington. Other members of the family are Messrs Richard Hawkes(of the complement of H.M.S. Leander), Graeme (Boot’s Pharmacy, Auckland), and Misses Gwen (Drummond Bros., Whangarei), Patricia (at home), Sheila (a High School pupil) and Cicily (Onerahi school).

The only surviving grandparent is Mr Harry Handforth, of Onerahi. A grand uncle, Mr Phillip Handforth, died earlier this week. The Rev. Hawkes, who resided in Whangarei for many years and was in charge of the Kaurihohore parish, was the paternal grandfather.

Mr David Hawkes was churchwarden at Onerahi and superintendent of the Sunday School.

He was also an efficient member of the Whangarei St. John Y.M.C.A. Ambulance Brigade. The body is being conveyed to Whangarei on the express tomorrow. The funeral will take place at Onerahi Cemetery at 10 a.m. on Saturday, when Service honours will be accorded.




Public Contributions:

There are no public contributions written for this casualty

Personal Tributes:


Service Number: 
David Handforth Hawkes
Date of Birth:
Not known
Date of Enlistment:
Not known
Royal New Zealand Air Force

Casualty Details

Cause of Death:
Air Accident
Date of Death:
03 July 1940
Day of Death:
Age at Death: 

Embarkation Details

Text in italics supplied by Cenotaph Online, Auckland War Memorial Museum


Cemetery Reference: 
10. F.
Cemetery Location: 
New Zealand
David Handforth Hawkes
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