"The New Zealand Expeditionary Force had now reached the end of its long journey by sea. Orders for disembarkation were issued, the transports disgorged their freights of men and horses, and on the evening of December 3rd the first troop train left Alexandria for Zeitoun station, about four miles beyond Cairo. Distant about a mile and a-half from the detraining point, and on the edge of the sun-smitten desert, was the site of the camp selected for the New Zealand troops." [Byrne, AE, “Official History of the Otago Regiment, N.Z.E.F. in the Great War 1914-1918”, J. Wilkie & Company, 1921, p10]
Thursday, December 3, 1914
Media Image:
Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. Ref: PA1-o-308-11-4
Casualty Flag:
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