Nederweert is a village 38 kilometres north west of Roermond, 21 kilometres south east of Eindhoven and 5 kilometres north east of Weert. The cemetery is signposted on the N266 Nederweert - Helmond road, which is indicated from the Nederweert exit on the A2 Motorway Eindhoven - Maastricht.
The Cemetery is 350 metres west of the church. From the church take the Kerkstraat then Burgomeester Vullerstraat which leads into Monseigneur Kreyelmansstraat. From this street turn left into Theo Siebenstraat and the cemetery is along here. The Cemetery is signposted from this junction.
Nederweert was liberated by British troops on 21st September, 1944. The front line until 14th November was close by, following the Zuidwillemsvaart and Wessem-Nederweert canals; during that period there were casualties from patrol activity and from daily German shelling of Nederweert, besides some deaths in German minefields. After the British crossed the canals and went on towards the Maas, burials continued in the war cemetery from the surrounding area.
There are now over 350 1939-1945 War casualties commemorated in this site.
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