
William Albert Moffett

Anglo Boer War
Additional Information: 

Son of  William John and Ellen Moffett.

  • Archives New Zealand

Biographical Notes:

“Death of Sergeant Moffett.- Sergeant W. A. Moffett, who was stricken with an attack of malarial fever a few days after his return from South Africa, passed away quietly yesterday at 5 p.m. It will be remembered that the deceased joined the Fifth Contingent, which left the colony in March of last year, and soon obtained the rank of sergeant. His contingent landed at Beira, and while journeying through Portuguese territory he had five attacks of this insidious malady. Recent medical works on the subject show that those who have suffered any way severely from malarial fever are almost certain to have a fresh attack if moved quickly from a warm to a cold climate, and there is reason to fear that Sergeant Moffett’s return even to his native place at the most inclement season of the year induced the attack to which he has unfortunately succumbed. His own friends and the wider circle of the friends of the family will be deeply grieved to learn this morning of Sergeant Moffett's death, and his parents and household will have the consolation derivable from a very widely extended sympathy. The death of their son is practically the first breach in the family circle of Mr and Mrs Moffett during their long residence of forty years in lnvercargill. It is also consoling to know that Sergeant Moffett was highly esteemed by his comrades for his kindness and self-denying attention to the sick in the stress and manifold discomforts of warfare. His funeral, as is fitting, will be a military one.” [Southland Times, Issue 15006, 29 July 1901, Page 2]

"A good pole vaulter." [Southland Boys High School Register, 1881-1930]

Public Contributions:

There are no public contributions written for this casualty

Personal Tributes:


Service Number: 
William Albert Moffett
Name variation:
William Albert Moffatt (Cenotaph Record Auckland Museum)
Date of Birth:
11 November 1868
Place of Birth:
Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
Next of Kin: 
W J Moffett (father), Invercargill
Date of Enlistment:
Not known
Enlistment Address: 
Invercargill, New Zealand
Occupation on Enlistment:
New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, 5 Contingent

Casualty Details

Cause of Death:
Date of Death:
28 July 1901
Day of Death:
Age at Death: 
Anglo Boer War

Embarkation Details

Embarkation Body:
5th Contingent
Embarkation Place:
Lyttelton, New Zealand
Embarkment Date:
31 March 1900
South Africa

Text in italics supplied by Cenotaph Online, Auckland War Memorial Museum


Cemetery Reference: 
Plot 6 (2 Headstones)
Cemetery Location: 
New Zealand
William Albert Moffett
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