"Captain Wallace Neil Campbell, F.R.C.S., who died while on active service in the Middle East recently, as a boy attended the Newbury School and after three years at the Palmerston North High School matriculated there. He attended the Otago University and Medical School and qualified Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the age of 23. After two years as house surgeon in the Wellington Public Hospital he left to continue his studies in London. While there he worked in a number of hospitals, notably the Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich, and the British Post-Graduate Hospital at Hammersmith with some well-known London surgeons. On the outbreak of war he joined the Emergency Medical Service in London, and was posted to an E.M.S. hospital in Central London, where he worked as a surgeon during the entire period of the air raids on London. It was during this trying period that he obtained his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He was later transferred to St. James’s Hospital, Balham, and after a period there he joined the New Zealand Medical Corps and left England for Egypt in January, 1942, where he was medical officer to an artillery battalion. Captain Campbell was the son of Mr and Mrs Neil Campbell, of Kauwhata, Palmerston North."
[Manawatu Standard, Volume LXIII, Issue 136, 10 May 1943, Page 4]