Robert Henry Bramley Upton

Anglo Boer War
Additional Information: 

Son of Thomas Everard and Eunice Upton (née Adams) of Ashburton

  • Archives New Zealand
Relatives Who Are Also Casualties:

Biographical Notes:

"Any lingering doubt that might have remained as to the death of our townsman Corporal Upton, is dispelled by the following letter received this morning from Trooper Edward Willie, who, it will be remembered was known to be an inmate of Johannesburg Hospital at the very time Corporal Upton was said to have died there. Trooper Willis' silence on the subject was referred to as showing that at least one portion of the report was incorrect. But the letter (published below)is dated Johannesburg, June 25, which has evidently been delayed in transit, sets the matter at rest:— You will find this letter very unwelcome. I have not much to say but what I have is very, very hard to me. I want you, dear father, to do that for me which I dread doing myself. Let Mr Upton know, somehow or other, that his son died in the Johannesburg Hospital from fever. He died without pain. It may console him a little, to know that I, who have always been one of his son's fast friends, was with him at the last. If you do not think I have done right in sending this news, burn this letter; but if I have done right, tell Mr Upton that his son died at my side.—Your affectionate son, Edward.""[Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXI, Issue 5204, 30 August 1900, Page 3]

Public Contributions:

There are no public contributions written for this casualty

Personal Tributes:


Service Number: 
Robert Henry Bramley Upton
Date of Birth:
29 May 1874
Place of Birth:
New Zealand
Next of Kin: 
Thomas Everard Upton (father)
Church of England
Date of Enlistment:
30 January 1900
Locality on Enlistment: 
Place of Enlistment: 
Addington, Christchurch, New Zealand
Marital Status:
Occupation on Enlistment:
Union Bank of Australia, Ashburton
New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, 3 Contingent

Casualty Details

Cause of Death:
Date of Death:
13 June 1900
Day of Death:
Anglo Boer War

Embarkation Details

Embarkation Place:
Lyttelton, New Zealand
Embarkment Date:
16 February 1900
Knight Templar
South Africa

Text in italics supplied by Cenotaph Online, Auckland War Memorial Museum


Cemetery Location: 
South Africa
Robert Henry Bramley Upton
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